Tips and tricks

Are introverted Intuitives rare?

Are introverted Intuitives rare?

Out of all of these personality types, only two have Introverted Intuition as a dominant function—INFJ and INTJ. Coincidentally, these two are the rarest personality types in the world. Together, they make up only 3\% to 5\% of the population.

What is introverted dominant intuition?

Introverted intuition, also called Ni, is the ability to recognize patterns and foresee future events and possibilities extremely clearly. As the dominant function of INFJ and INTJ personality types, Introverted Intuition is the primary way that they make sense of the world and their role in it.

What are NI doms like?

Ni doms are usually intense, and INTJs especially need to observe situations for a long time before taking action, they wait until the bigger picture becomes more clear, and that’s why they are labelled as “procrastinators” or “lazy” when in reality INTJs prove to be hard-working, tenacious and ambitious.

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How do you harness Introverted Intuition?

Let’s look at how you can exercise and fully experience your introverted intuition.

  1. Learn. Question. Be curious.
  2. Persist. Don’t give up too easily on the things you’re learning, your new interests, or your ideas.
  3. Be quiet. You must give yourself time to sit in silence.
  4. Write or talk about your ideas.

How do you know if you’re an introverted Intuition?

11 Signs of An Introverted Intuitive

  1. When you speak, people listen. Introverts are comfortable with silence.
  2. You have great instincts.
  3. You are focused on the future.
  4. You are a great innovator.
  5. You can avoid mistakes.
  6. You are not swayed by power.
  7. You accept different perspectives.
  8. You are extremely creative.

How do INFJs use NI?

The fact that INFJs are so caring towards others causes people to forget that their dominant function is actually their introverted intuition (Ni). This sense of intuition is what causes the INFJ to take note of information around them and process that in a way which gives them predictions about the future.

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How do you know if you’re an introverted intuition?

What is Fe aux?

INFJs and ISFJs – Auxiliary Extraverted Feeling (Fe) If you’re an INFJ or an ISFJ, your auxiliary function helps you balance your perceptions with the needs and values of the world around you.

What does it feel like to have introverted intuition?

Having introverted intuition feels like you are stuck between two domains and one being physical and the other no- physical and that can be diverting. It feels like an out of body involvement with times and when individuals describe their excursions on drugs you abnormally feel like you generally feel like that.

Is introverted intuition a decision making function?

Introverted intuition is a perceiving function, not a decision-making function, according to him. Introverted intuitives are distinctive in their capacity to perceive the inner life, which allows them to fully appreciate abstract associations, symbolic connections, and the inescapable threads that connect the environment and the consciousness.

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Can introverted intuitives be great leaders?

Because of this, when introverted intuitives speak, people listen. Anyone who communicates with an intuitive introvert on a regular basis realizes that this personality type thinks things through before speaking and that their words are insightful and worth paying attention to. This means that introverted intuitives can be great leaders.

Do introverts despise small talk?

It is a common myth that introverts despise people. However, the fact is that they despise small talk. If you happen to be an intuitive introvert, you might be doubting your worth in the world right now. After all, extroverts tend to achieve all of the world’s external glory while introverts are left in limbo.