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Are Macedonians descendants of ancient Macedonians?

Are Macedonians descendants of ancient Macedonians?

The roots of the Macedonians are in ancient Macedonia in Europe since 8th century BC, not in Ukraine. And most convincing of all is the fact that a genetic research had proven that the Macedonians are not Slavs but are direct descendants of the ancient Macedonians.

Is Macedonia real?

North Macedonia (Macedonia before February 2019), officially the Republic of North Macedonia, is a country in Southeast Europe. It gained independence in 1991 as one of the successor states of Yugoslavia.

Was Ajax a real person?

Ajax was a hero in Greek mythology, son of King Telamon of Salamis and Periboea. He played a pivotal role in the myth of the Trojan War. He is also known as Telamonian Ajax, Greater Ajax, or Ajax the Great, to be distinguished from Ajax the Lesser, son of Oileus.

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Who are the true descendants of the ancient Macedonians?

The people living in modern Macedonia are the true descendants of the ancient Macedonians. Macedonians originated from ancient Greek Tribes, peoples of the Balkans and other Indo-European tribes.

What language did the ancient Macedonians speak?

They spoke Ancient Macedonian, which was either a sibling language to Ancient Greek or a Doric Greek dialect, although the prestige language of the region was at first Attic and then Koine Greek.

Why was the Kingdom of Macedon important to ancient Greece?

The kingdom also attracted the presence of renowned philosophers, such as Aristotle, while native Macedonians contributed to the field of ancient Greek literature, especially Greek historiography.

Why did the Macedonians migrate to the Pierian highlands?

The Macedonian tribes subsequently moved down from Orestis in the upper Haliacmon to the Pierian highlands in the lower Haliacmon because of pressure from the Molossians, a related tribe who had migrated to Orestis from Pelagonia. In their new Pierian home north of Olympus, the Macedonian tribes mingled with the proto- Dorians.