
Are parents allowed to look at your texts?

Are parents allowed to look at your texts?

Parents: there’s no absolute right answer as to whether it’s OK to read your kid’s text messages. It depends on your kid’s age, personality, and behavior. The most important thing is that you discuss responsible texting behavior. You also can consider purchasing a text-monitoring service through your wireless carrier.

Should I read my 15 year olds text messages?

Reading your kid’s texts is part of responsible parenting. Your kids may not like it, but they’ll respect you for being honest. They’ll also understand your point of view better if you explain why you want to see what’s on their phone: It helps to keep them safe.

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Should parents be allowed to read their children’s text messages?

Parents obviously should be allowed to read their children’s text messages if they feel the need to do so. Prohibiting this would similar to prohibiting police from pulling over drunk drivers. Nobody wants to get pulled over by the police but we always worry about the other person driving drunk and recklessly.

Is texting under 18 legal in New Mexico?

These unduly harsh penalties have prompted widespread calls for reform. In February 2016, Republican Governor of New Mexico Susana Martinez signed legislation that legalizes consensual texting amongst minors between fourteen and eighteen years of age. It is generally forbidden to forward the sexts of a minor.

Is it illegal to text in front of your parents?

Texts are mail, therefore it is illegal. Us teenagers need our privacy and if parents cant trust us enough to txt than that’s their problem they should’ve raised us differently then. Expecuially if your in a secret relationship like me.

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Should you let your kids use the Messages app on iPhone?

For many kids, being allowed to use the Messages app on iPhone or iPad is often the first foray into the world of text messaging. Unlike Snapchat or other “self-destructing” messaging apps, many parents feel that the iOS Messages app is a good starting point since, by default, the Messages app does not automatically delete or erase text messages.