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Are people with the same birthday connected?

Are people with the same birthday connected?

Statistically speaking, with 365 days in a year, there’s a . 27 percent chance of any two people sharing the same calendar date as birthdays. And those odds mean that it’s possible – improbable but not impossible – for those two people to have a connection and marry.

What do you call someone with the same birthday as you?

However, it is usual in the English-speaking world to call people who share the same birthday as “birthday twins.” Less frequently “Irish twins,” especially in the sense of same day and month but one year apart. Also found is “birthday buddy” (via Urban Dictionary).

What do birthday twins mean?

“birthday twins” (born on the same day & same month) “birthdate twins” (born on the same day & same month & same year) “time twins” (born on the same day & same month & same year) btw.

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Do birthdays make you feel bad about yourself?

Birthdays are synonymous with cake, cards, presents, and parties. They’re supposed to be a good time, but when they’re not, it’s easy to feel bad about yourself. Depression is a real thing and nothing to be ashamed about.

Do soulmates have the same birthdays?

Soulmates do find commonalities and coincidences which can extend to having a similar birthday or exact opposite birthdays, such as one being born 5/12 and the other being born 12/5. But I don’t think that is a must criterion for soulmates.

Should you share your birthday with your family?

For those who may have absentee, abusive, or toxic family members, birthdays may not be an exciting time to share (or not share) with family. As adults, it can be hard to make friends. Perhaps you’ve lost close friends as time has moved on and you haven’t managed to replace them.

Can social anxiety affect your birthday celebrations?

Anxiety, whether it’s social anxiety or otherwise, can increase your feelings of depression surrounding the big cake-and-icecream event. Depending on your triggers, a birthday celebration and all the attention you receive can make your birthday an exhausting and debilitating day.