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Are slavery and indentured servitude the same thing?

Are slavery and indentured servitude the same thing?

Indentured servitude was not slavery as individuals entered contracts of their own free will. However, indentured servants could be sold, loaned, or inherited, at least during the duration of their contract terms.

What are the similarities and differences between slaves and indentured servants?

A slave is a person who is from Africa is enslaved and worked for people in the colonies. A indentured servant are people who agreed to work for a person in the colonies. They are from Europe. They both had a trip, worked for a period of time, and lived with a family.

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What is the difference between indentured servitude and slavery quizlet?

what is the difference between indentured servants and slaves? indentured servants were born free and slaves were not free and their children were born slaves as well.

What was indentured servitude replaced with?

By 1705, and the passage of “An act concerning Servants and Slaves,” slavery had become ensconced at all levels of Virginia society and was well on its way to completely replacing indentured servitude as the primary source of bound labor in the colony.

How did slavery replace indentured servitude?

Slavery replaced indentured servitude in the colonies in the 1660s because purchasing slaves became more economical for planters. Life expectancy in the Chesapeake and Southern colonies had increased, which meant that indentured servants were living long enough to fulfill their terms of indenture.

How was indentured servitude different from enslavement of Africans in the British North American colonies?

How was indentured servitude different from enslavement of Africans in the British North American colonies? Indentured servants were freed at the end of a set number of years. Children born during an indentured servant’s term had to serve until adulthood. Only men could be indentured.

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What is the difference between slaves and servants?

What is the difference between Slave and Servant? Many servants lived a life similar to that of slaves, but they were hopeful of freedom after the end of their contract. A servant is free to work for the chosen master, whereas a slave is forced to work against his will.

What is one way indentured servants were treated differently from slaves in colonial North America apex?

What is one way slaves were treated differently from indentured servants in colonial North America? Slaves had to work long hours for little pay. Slaves could buy their freedom after a certain amount of time.

Why did Virginia replace indentured servant with African slaves?

Why did Virginia replace indentured servants with African slaves? It provided a permanent source of labor, African Americans were hard working, the slaves did not earn their freedom after a few years, Africans dark skin made it harder for them to escape.

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Why did slavery replace indentured servitude as the main form of plantation labor in the southern colonies?

As demand grew, so did the cost of indentured servants. Slavery quickly replaced indentured servitude as the preferred source of human labor. Landowners were threatened by the prospect of newly freed servants demanding land. Enslaved Africans were viewed as a more profitable and renewable source of labor.

Why did slaves replace indentured servants in the colonies quizlet?

Virginia began to replace indentured servants with slaves in the late 17th century as economic conditions in england improved (1670s), thus less people were willing to risk their lives for a better life in the colonies.