
Are the prequels better than the originals Star Wars?

Are the prequels better than the originals Star Wars?

The Star Wars saga has its fair share of critical acclaim. A way of looking at this acclaim is via Rotten Tomatoes. The original trilogy movies sit at scores of 93\%, 94\%, and 82\%, respectively. While the prequel movies have scores of 53\%, 65\%, and 80\%.

Why is Star Wars so appealing?

One of the biggest reasons that Star Wars became so popular is that it was unique. When it was released in 1977, it was the first science fiction space adventure to be released to a mass audience. The movie’s build-up was intense, and every single release since has been a major event.

Which trilogy is the best Star Wars?

From the trio of Luke, Han, and Leia to Darth Vader’s redemption, Star Wars fans usually agree the original trilogy is the best, for many reasons.

How unique is Star Wars?

So what makes Star Wars so unique? According to Boyson, it’s not just the fact that it’s a sci-fi movie, it’s not its characters, it’s not just the dialogue and screenplays, and it’s not just the special effects (including locations, technology, robots, epic fights, and sounds).

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Why do people hate the sequel trilogy so much?

The famous quote goes “ Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans ”. The sequel trilogy hate serves to prove this statement, a mentality bred through a toxic fandoms goal to bring down anything new by nitpicking every element of each movie.

What made the Star Wars prequels better than the Disney trilogy?

Here are four pieces of wisdom that made the prequels better than the Disney trilogy. From the start, Star Wars has been about the set pieces — elaborate action scenes that leave our hands sweaty and white-knuckled on armrests.

What do you think about the Star Wars sequels?

Essentially, the Sequels are a beat for beat repeat of both the OT and the PT told in a single disjointed, messy trilogy of films. Somehow democracy and the Jedi fall apart once again because of reasons… and a new rebellion is born out of the ashes once more to thwart a new oppressive regime in the same manner they did thirty years ago.

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What are the reviews for Star Wars The Last Jedi?

John Boyega, Kelly Marie Tran, and Daisy Ridley in ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi.’ Star Wars: The Last Jedi has earned overwhelmingly positive reviews, with a 93\% fresh rating and 8.2/10 score on Rotten Tomatoes.