
Can a battleship survive a torpedo?

Can a battleship survive a torpedo?

Unlike the numerous aerial bombs or cannon shells required to sink large warships, just one or two torpedo hits could and sometimes did suffice to sink huge aircraft carriers and battleships.

Did battleships have torpedo tubes?

Almost all battleships were fitted with torpedoes up until World War I. Torpedo ranges had increased from about 3,000 yards in 1905 to about 10,000 yards by 1914, so their running distance was comparable to gun ranges. …

Why did battleships not have torpedoes?

For one thing, battleships were way too heavy. Torpedoes on submarines are fired from water-tight “tubes” under water, and to have such tubes below the water line in the hull of a battleship would compromise the integrity of the extremely thick hull. For another, torpedoes are precision weapons.

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Did the Tirpitz have torpedo tubes?

The ship was taken into dock for modifications for the deployment. The ship’s anti-aircraft battery was strengthened, and the 10.5 cm guns on the superstructure next to the catapult were moved outboard to increase their field of fire. The two quadruple 53.3 cm torpedo tube mounts were also installed during this refit.

Did Dreadnoughts have torpedoes?

Dreadnought carried five 18-inch (450 mm) submerged torpedo tubes, two on each broadside and one in the stern. Twenty-three torpedoes were carried for them.

Do destroyers still carry torpedoes?

These destroyers also carry anti-submarine rockets and torpedoes. The destroyers have the capability to carry two Sea King helicopters.

Did Bismarck have torpedoes?

Torpedo armament Bismarck had none, while Tirpitz was fitted with two banks of 53.3 cm (21 in) quadruple torpedo tube mounts between the end of 1941 and early 1942. Tirpitz carried 24 torpedoes.

What was the last battleship to have underwater tubes?

To digress slightly, the last battleships in the Royal Navy to be fitted with underwater tubes when built were HMS’s NELSON and RODNEY. These were 24inch weapons.

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What is the worst battleship ever made?

The U.S.S. Massachusetts was the worst battleship ever made. That has a lot to do with why it has spent the last 95 years rusting on the seafloor just outside the mouth of Pensacola Bay. Today, the ship is an Underwater Archaeological Preserve managed by the state of Florida.

What is the oldest battleship still in existence today?

The U.S.S. Massachusetts was the worst battleship ever made. That has a lot to do with why it has spent the last 95 years rusting on the seafloor just outside the mouth of Pensacola Bay. Today, the ship is an Underwater Archaeological Preserve managed by the state of Florida. The rusting hulk is considered the oldest battleship still in existence.

How many Gatling guns are there in a modern day ship?

In the tops of the double topped military mast are placed four Gatling guns, two in each top. There are also six torpedo tubes, one bow, one stern, and four broadside, two on either side, just abaft and forward of the forward and after barbettes respectively.”