Can a book be verbose?

Can a book be verbose?

A verbose book report goes on and on and is packed with long, complicated words that aren’t at all necessary. Verbose is from Latin verbosus “full of words,” from verbum, “word or verb.” As you can guess from the spelling, the English verb is closely related.

How much do technical book authors make?

Expect 20,000 books sold (a successful technical book). At $2.50/book you are going to make $50,000. That income will be spread over a number of years, with most in the first year (say over half the total) and the rest gradually diminishing over about 5 years.

How long should a technical book be?

Remember, not every technical needs to be 800-1000 pages long. As technology moves faster, and demand increases for up to date, deep technical content on specific areas, I expect we’ll see a continued growth in the market for shorter books, even as the mega-books continue to do well in their topic areas.

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How long does it take most authors to write a novel?

The average time to write a book for most authors is 180 days, or 6 months, more or less. Usually, it takes authors anywhere from 4-8 months to complete a book.

Is being verbose bad?

What’s your way, brevity or detailing? “Verbose” means “wordy,” which in turn indicates that words have gotten in the way of the meaning of the sentence or paragraph. So being verbose, in my opinion, is a bad thing. “My way” is to use as few words as possible to present an idea and get it across to my audience.

Why is my writing so wordy?

It happens when a writer, either intentionally or unintentionally, uses far too many words or unnecessarily complex or abstract words. Wordiness can seriously detract from the coherency and quality of your writing and frustrate your readers.

How fast can you read a technical book?

Half an hour can be set aside for approximately fifteen pages of reading, depending on the technicality of the text — given that the average reading speed for an individual is 250 words per minute or about a page of text in most technical books.

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How do you promote a technical book?

Find the on-topic blogs with the largest number of readers and offer them a free review copy (or copies). Talk to any on-topic user group who’ll let you speak. Bring books along for giveaways. Bring along a few more to give to the user group leader afterwards to be given away at future meetings.
