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Can a person change their sexual orientation?

Can a person change their sexual orientation?

But research shows that sexual orientation is likely caused partly by biological factors that start before birth. People don’t decide who they’re attracted to, and therapy, treatment, or persuasion won’t change a person’s sexual orientation. You also can’t “turn” a person gay.

How easy is it to know your sexual orientation?

Richard H. Reams, Ph.D. For people whose physical and emotional attractions are consistently and exclusively directed toward persons of “the other sex,” knowing one’s sexual orientation is easy. These individuals are fortunate to live in a society — and family — that affirm heterosexuality without hesitation.

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Why do others struggle to understand same-sex attraction?

Others experience some degree of same-sex attractions and struggle to make sense of what those attractions mean. For most, this is challenging because society and most family members regard heterosexuality as the ideal sexual orientation. Or the only acceptable sexual orientation.

What is an example of sexual orientation?

Sexual orientation is how you are attracted romantically and sexually to other people. For example, a person may be: Heterosexual—attracted only or almost only to the other binary (male/female) gender. Gay—attracted only or almost only to those of the same gender.

Is sexual orientation a gendered phenomenon?

Sexual orientation is a gendered phenomenon, and Gender identity itself get formed after 3/4 years of age, when a baby starts identifying with either of the genders (i.e. male or female or sometime confused state). and then sexual orientation, through sexual explorations…

What do people of all sexual orientations need to know?

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People of all sexual orientations (even those who don’t claim one) need to find ways to live in a world that stigmatizes same-sex attractions and relationships, and those of us called upon to support and assist these people need to understand this if we are to be helpful.

Is your sexual orientation like a scale?

Although sexual orientation is usually set early in life, it isn’t at all uncommon for your desires and attractions to shift throughout your life. This is called “fluidity.” Many people, including sex researchers and scientists, believe that sexual orientation is like a scale with entirely gay on one end and entirely straight on the other.

How does your environment affect your sexual orientation?

This means that a person’s developmental environment—which includes diet, family, friends, neighborhood, religion, and a host of other life conditions—is twice as influential on the probability of developing same-sex behavior or orientation as a person’s genes are.

Is there a link between sexual abuse and alcohol abuse?

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There is a much stronger link between alcohol abuse and women who have been the victim of sexual abuse than for men in the same situation. One of the theories for why is that women tend to internalize trauma more than men and therefore may be more likely to engage in self-destructive behaviors like abusing alcohol as opposed to acting out.

What makes a person gay or straight?

It’s not completely known why someone might be lesbian, gay, straight, or bisexual. But research shows that sexual orientation is likely caused partly by biological factors that start before birth. People don’t decide who they’re attracted to, and therapy, treatment, or persuasion won’t change a person’s sexual orientation.