Tips and tricks

Can an affair stay secret forever?

Can an affair stay secret forever?

Originally Answered: Can an infidelity be secret forever? Yes. To be perfectly honest there were 3 occasions with different partners where I have cheated and they never found out. Two of these partners I still have contact with and they are still totally unaware I was ever unfaithful.

Can I have an affair and keep it secret?

In short, an affair can keep their main relationship intact if they choose not to tell the partner and keep the affair secret. As we said, relationship therapists don’t judge. We do help couples and individuals work out what they really want, however. Couples may choose to work through their issues in therapy together.

Can you keep a secret affair a completely secret?

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Your partner or spouse does not need to be the wiser on any secret affair you may have. You can keep them from finding out by thoroughly covering your tracks, which will only require a few minutes of preparation. With these tips, you should be able to keep your secret affair a complete secret.

Will my partner know if I’m having an affair?

If your partner is under the belief that everything is running normally, they will be less likely to look into other aspects of your life and will not discover your secret affair. If you are having an affair, you will spend more time going out of your home. The increased activity could contribute to heightened suspicion about infidelity.

How do you hide your affair from your spouse?

Hide the evidence. Lipstick on your collar or stray boxers in the backseat won’t fly if you want to stay married. Seven percent of those polled said they made an effort to hide any evidence of their indiscretions. Foolproof your phone .

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How can I keep my affairs on the Down-Low?

Maintain the status quo. Five percent of respondents said they avoided making any drastic changes to their appearance when they were cheating. Use a condom. Only five percent of those polled said using protection to avoid bringing home an STD or getting pregnant was key to keeping their affairs on the down-low. Don’t leave a paper trail.