Can an ECE student do MS in Computer Science in USA?

Can an ECE student do MS in Computer Science in USA?

Can I do an MS in Computer Science if I am an EE or ECE student? It is possible for students from Electrical Engineering or Electrical and Communication Engineering or even Civil Engineering to switch to a Master’s in Computer Science.

Why do Indians go for masters in USA?

Future prospects: Wrt settling down in a new country, US is far more preferred by Indians (explaining why would take a separate thread by itself). A lot of Indians go for MS keeping in mind that they would like to be in the same country for around 8-10 years or even settle there.

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Is MS in CS difficult Quora?

Yes, it’s difficult, but not hellishly impossible, that I can assure you. I have a personal experience in this regard too. A few months ago, I had attended an intermediate MOOC for coding and programming taught by an American University.

How much does it cost to do MS in USA from India?

Application Cost of MS in USA for Indian Students In order to apply for admission to US universities students have to pay an application processing fee. The application fee is non-refundable in most cases and can range from 3,699 UNR (50 USD) to 11,997 INR (150 USD) or above.

What is the cost of studying MS in Computer Science in USA?

As already mentioned in the top universities section, the average cost of studying MS in computer science from USA is around 78,000 USD for the total program, with a minimum cost of 13,272 USD for the total program in University of California- Berkeley to a maximum of 141,000 USD for the total program in Yale University.

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How much does it cost an Indian student to study in USA?

An Indian student spending two years in the US will be spending around at least 50 lakhs to study in the US. You must also note that these costs are calculated at the exchange rate 1 USD = 74 INR. Considering the high cost involved, pursuing an MS in the USA can be financially difficult for many Indian students.

What are the cheap universities to pursue MS in USA?

What are the cheap universities to pursue MS in USA? Ans- Some of the budget universities for MS in USA are Florida State University, Alabama State University, Purdue University, Georgia Tech, Strayer University, etc.