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Can boys have long hair in IIT?

Can boys have long hair in IIT?

Yes, He can keep any hairstyle that he wants to keep. There is no restriction over hairstyle and dressing.

Are girls allowed in bits Boys Hostel?

No female student shall enter any boys’ hostel except for any cultural or similar functions organized by the hostels. They must take prior permission of their Warden to attend such functions.

Is it compulsory to live in hostel in BITS Pilani?

Yes ,it is mandatory to stay at hostel because at the time of admission you have to pay hostel fees as DD along with the admission and tution fees for the entire semester .

Is long hair on Boys Allowed in colleges?

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Long hair on boys are often questioned by the society as it has the habit of judging people on their looks. Boys with long hair are often thought as hooligans and lafangas, by the teachers & security guards. It just depends upon the mentality of people. But, there is no written rule against long hairs in the colleges.

What are the different types of hair for boys?

Since all boys have different types of hair, they need to consider their color, volume, and ease of care. Boys with long hair who are committed to their long locks will love the below long hair looks. 1. Long Curly Hair Younger boys who are lucky enough to have curly hair look great when their curls are allowed to grow out some.

Can a child be denied education due to the length of hair?

In the case of school policy, we firmly assert that no child, boy or girl, should be denied their education due to the length of their hair. To Habib, Jabez and his parents, we got your back.

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Is there a community of men with long hair?

For every bully who makes fun of you, or says you look like a girl, or gives you grief about your hair, just know there is a community of tens of thousands of men and boys with long hair right here. They’re big and small, old and young, every color of skin, from every background.