
Can chaos make new Marines?

Can chaos make new Marines?

The Chaos Marines still maintain the process of gene-seeding — the transformation of humans into superhumans through organ implantation and associated psychological and chemical conditioning – in order to create new Chaos Marines.

Can new space marines be made?

These glands are vitally important and represent the future of the Chapter, as the only way new gene-seed can be produced is by reproducing it within the bodies of the Marines themselves. This is the implant’s only purpose. The gene-seed can then be extracted and used to create more Space Marines.

How many traitor legions are there?

The Traitor Legions are comprised of the original 9 Space Marine Legions that betrayed their oaths of loyalty to the Emperor of Mankind during the ancient civil war called the Horus Heresy more than 10,000 standard years ago.

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Do iron hands have terminators?

The Morlocks were all members of the Iron Hands’ Clan Company Avernii. The Morlocks were the deadliest and most experienced warriors of the Xth Legion, and whatever force was arrayed against these black Terminators could not hope to survive their wrath.

What happened to the Chaos Space Marine Traitor Legions?

The 9 Chaos Space Marine Traitor Legions who joined the rebellion of the Warmaster Horus against the Emperor — fully one half of the Space Marine Legions created during the First Founding — are (in order of their Founding ): Traitor ( Chaos Undivided) Dead

Who are the Traitor Legions?

The Traitor Legions are comprised of the original 9 Space Marine Legions that betrayed their oaths of loyalty to the Emperor of Mankind during the ancient civil war called the Horus Heresy more than 10,000 standard years ago.

Who are the Loyalist Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines?

These were the Loyalist Space Marines who continued to serve the Imperium and the Emperor of Mankind and the Chaos Space Marines of the Traitor Legions who betrayed the Emperor and pledged their souls to the service of the four Ruinous Powers of Chaos.

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Who are the sanctified in Warhammer 40k?

The Sanctified are a warband of Chaos Space Marines and a splinter faction of the Word Bearers Traitor Legion, that broke away from their parent Legion at the end of the Horus Heresy. They are followers of the Blood God Khorne, which precipitated their split from the Word Bearers, who preferred to worship the Chaos Gods as a whole.