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Can E mc2 be reversed?

Can E mc2 be reversed?

Of course can be reversed. It exists nuclear reactions that needs energy as long as produced ions has higher weight than the input ones.

Is the e Mc² wrong?

Originally Answered: Is Einstein’s equation e=mc^2 wrong? No, It is not wrong. This equation is part of general and special relativity. If you want to prove it wrong, you would have to prove relativity wrong.

How can E mc2 be proven?

According to the basic laws of physics, every wavelength of electromagnetic radiation corresponds to a specific amount of energy. The NIST/ILL team determined the value for energy in the Einstein equation, E = mc2, by carefully measuring the wavelength of gamma rays emitted by silicon and sulfur atoms.

Do lasers have mass?

Light (laser) has no mass but light has momentum, inertia and gravity. Its momentum creates the push on other objects with mass. This is one of the practical meanings of the equivalence between mass and energy (E = mc^2).

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Is E=mc2 correct or false?

Google “ E=mc2 is correct ” and you get a mere 138 hits. There you have it. It took us a more than a century, but finally this crazy inconsistent theory of relativity got outvoted. Common sense cries victory! Fortunately, science does not work that way.

What was Einstein’s first mistake with E=mc2?

Einstein’s first mistake with E=MC 2 was to take a simple equation and then try to interpret it with two contradictory and paradoxical ideas of mass and energy. In the general interpretation, k E=MC 2 defines the relationship between mass and kinetic energy.

Does the mass of a photon affect E=mc2?

Ignoring the mass of the photon, completely changes the nature of E=MC 2 from the previous interpretation. In this case, matter still contains kinetic energy that has mass, with the exception that the kinetic energy of the photon has no mass.

Is E=mc2 A strong brand for 20th century physics?

And “E=mc 2 ” certainly is a strong brand for 20 th century physics. In fact, it is more than that. A true symbol and icon of mankind’s intellectual achievements. The fact that it is more than often represented in an inconsistent way is a shame, but can not take away that luster.