
Can Groot understand English?

Can Groot understand English?

Many are under the impression that Groot is only able to speak three words due to his poor use of the English language or congenital conditions of his own species, but we’ve already covered that his vocabulary should be more extensive.

Is Groot a language?

When pressed for an explanation by the others, Thor explains that he learned to speak the language as an elective back on his homeworld of Asgard. This means Groot’s language can indeed be taught without forming a personal connection.

Why can’t Groot speak English?

It may sound as if he is simply repeating his name, but that is simply due to the hardened formation of his larynx.

Can Groot say we are Groot?

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Groot represents the interconnectedness of all things, the freedom from seeing the “self” as a separate entity apart from the rest of the universe. When he says “WE are Groot”, he’s acknowledging to his team that “You are in me, and I am in you, we are one in the same”.

What does Groot actually say?

James Gunn has spoken previously about the fact that when he writes the scripts for the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, he does write Groot’s full dialogue, aka the words that he is trying to convey even if all we ever hear is “I am Groot.” He even goes so far to dance as the character when needed.

Why does Groot only say his name?

Groot understands English, but just can’t pronounce it, due to his stiff voicebox. His species, being made of wood, has such stiff voiceboxes that they can only say “I am Groot” in different tones, so their language consists of different intonations of that one phrase.

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Is Groot representative of his species?

We can’t say that Groot is representative of his species until we encounter another one. All Flora Colossi sound like they’re saying “I am Groot” to an English-Speaking human because of their stiff larynxes. Those who pick up on the subtle nuances of their language, such as Rocket, can actually understand what they’re really saying.

What language does Groot say I am Groot?

@TheLethalCoder Not to mention that there’s no reason to assume Groot is actually saying his “I am Groot” in English. That’s just the translation convention – he’s really speaking some “Galactic Common” language or whatever, localised for the viewer’s comfort.

How did Groot meet Star-Lord?

―Groot. Groot is a Flora colossus and the accomplice of Rocket Raccoon. Together, the pair had traveled the galaxy picking up bounties until they met Star-Lord and Gamora just before the four of them were captured and put into the Kyln, where they also met Drax the Destroyer.

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What is the dialog between rocket and Groot in the comic?

In the comic Groot (2015) #2 the following dialog occurs between Rocket and Groot. Setup – Up until this point, Rocket has not been able to understand Groot, they are in prison together. Having outsmarted the guards previously they are in their cell when the lights go out. The guards they embarrassed then show up.