
Can I take Science without maths after 10th?

Can I take Science without maths after 10th?

Science Stream Subjects after Class 10th. While Physics and Chemistry are compulsory for both, the medical stream offers Biology as the 3rd compulsory subject, and the non-medical stream offers Mathematics. English is common to all streams and students can take up any optional subject to meet a total of 5 subjects.

What are the benefits of taking Science after 10th?

Students get to learn the skills which are relevant in workplaces. It helps them get the best possible job in the market. Science students can get to study in top colleges of the country like IIT, AIIMS, etc. The subject creates the mindset of the student to have a more practical approach towards anything in life.

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Can I take Science without maths?

Well, for basic science, math is not required. For example, elementary geography, biology, even physics and chemistry in some cases. But as far as advance science is concerned ,you can’t escape the math involved. Math plays a cardinal role in science.

Which science stream is best?

Top 20 High Salary Courses After 12th Science [PCMB]

  • Medicine: MBBS.
  • Engineering and Technology: BTech/BE.
  • BSc Information Technology.
  • Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)
  • BSc Computer Science.
  • Bachelor of Pharmacy.
  • Alternative Medicine Courses: BHMS, BAMS, Naturopathy Courses.
  • BSc in Nursing.

What is the scope of pure science?

Unlike the myth that pure sciences offer few lucrative avenues, experts say the scope for those studying science subjects is extensive today. Graduates for instance can get employment in state and central research organisations, work in the R&D wings of private and public sectors or pursue a career in academics.

What are the benefits of the science stream in Class X?

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To a Class X student, the Science stream option gives an opportunity to pursue their future careers in Medical and Engineering related fields. The subjects include practical labs and theory which requires a lot of hard work from the students.

What are the subjects to study in science stream?

The main subjects to study in science are Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and C++ (depending upon the school). To a Class X student, the Science stream option gives an opportunity to pursue their future careers in Medical and Engineering related fields.

Which stream is best for 10th Science in India?

Science stream is a very popular choice among 10th standard passed students in India. Students who want to pursue pure and applied science professional courses in the future may choose this stream.

How do I Choose Maths as an optional subject in CBSE?

In CBSE the process of choosing maths as an optional subject or not is only available in class 11 ..till class 10 everybody have to study basic math. They will give three or four options in class 11 ie. Choose maths as an optional subject with biology stream.