Can I use LetsEncrypt in production?

Can I use LetsEncrypt in production?

We have been using Digicert at Hashnode for last 3 years. Looking at the current ecosystem, it seems LetsEncrypt is quite stable and production ready.

Is Let’s encrypt legit?

Let’s Encrypt is a non-profit CA run by the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG) to provide automated SSL Certificates. The reviews have been verified to be from real Let’s Encrypt customers. If you want to compare Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates with certificates from other SSL providers, use our SSL Wizard.

What is Acme v02 API LetsEncrypt org directory?

This is an ACME Certificate Authority running Boulder. This is a programmatic endpoint, an API for a computer to talk to. If you’re trying to use this service, note that the starting point, the directory, is available at this URL: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory.

How do I reset my lets encrypt rate limit?

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If you’ve hit a rate limit, we don’t have a way to temporarily reset it. You’ll need to wait until the rate limit expires after a week. We use a sliding window, so if you issued 25 certificates on Monday and 25 more certificates on Friday, you’ll be able to issue again starting Monday.

Is Let’s encrypt a certificate authority?

Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority (CA), run for the public’s benefit. It is a service provided by the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG). Free: Anyone who owns a domain name can use Let’s Encrypt to obtain a trusted certificate at zero cost.

What is Privatekeysecretref?

The account private key identifies your company/you as a user of the ACME service, and is used to sign all requests/communication with the ACME server to validate your identity. We could look at allowing this field to be omitted altogether and auto-generating the name.

How long are Let’s encrypt certs good for?

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90 days
Our certificates are valid for 90 days. You can read about why here. There is no way to adjust this, there are no exceptions. We recommend automatically renewing your certificates every 60 days.

How many use Let’s Encrypt?

It is the world’s largest certificate authority, used by more than 265 million websites, with the goal of all websites being secure and using HTTPS.