Tips and tricks

Can I wear what I want at 18?

Can I wear what I want at 18?

While your teen may bemoan more chores around the house or a growing workload in school, one area where many are excited to explore their newfound freedom is dressing themselves. …

How do I get my mom to stop babying me?

5 Tips for Getting Your Parents to Treat You Like an Adult

  1. 5 Tips for Getting Your Parents to Treat You Like an Adult. We’ve all heard it: “But you’ll always be my little baby…”
  2. Stay calm.
  3. Writing down what you want to say can help.
  4. Do nice things for your parents.
  5. Show that you can take of yourself.
  6. Be patient.

How do you know if your mother is toxic?

If your mother actively blames you for something that she did, all signs point to toxicity. Secret-keeping is another major toxic mom red flag, according to Stanizai, who says the behavior is not a component of a healthy mother-child relationship.

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Why is my 18-year-old son so grumpy all day?

The times he burns the midnight oil watching something online, or playing games a couple hours past his normal bed time he pays for it the next day when he can’t get up, and feels tired and grumpy all day – natural consequences Ideally an 18 year old should be mature enough to self-regulate. I happen to have an 18 year old son myself.

Do you have a toxic mother-child relationship?

You’re an adult. You don’t need your mom still on your case about where you are, all the time. “A toxic mother-child toxic relationship is one where the mother believes they have the right and the ability to manage their adult child’s life,” clinical psychologist Joshua Klapow, Ph.D., tells Bustle.

Does my mom have the right to control my adult life?

Once again: Your mom does not have a right to control your adult life. And while, yes, parents are allowed opinions on your partner to some degree, it’s not good if your mom consistently dictates your dating choices.