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Can Juggernaut beat Hulk?

Can Juggernaut beat Hulk?

In reality, Juggernaut is virtually unstoppable without magic, but the Hulk is stronger than Juggernaut. So, it makes for an exciting fight. And while it is always going to be a close battle, Hulk beats Juggernaut.

Can anyone stop Juggernaut?

Nobody can stop the Juggernaut when he is in motion except Cyttorak who lives in another dimension/Realm. Define stop. Putting something in his way to stop him is supposed to be nearly impossible… that being said any character with telepathy could, in theory, lift him off the ground thus stopping his momentum.

Who has stopped Juggernaut?

The only character to have stopped Juggernaut while he was in motion as an act of pure physical strength was the Hulk while he was War, a horseman of Apocalypse and empowered with Celestial technology. When Marko gains complete access to the Gem’s powers during the Trion saga, it increases his power a thousandfold.

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Can Superman beat Juggernaut?

In DC Versus Marvel #1, Superman beat the Juggernaut with a single punch. Juggernaut’s strength and speed are both enhanced by the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak, but his magical momentum is a separate power, and it leaves little room for doubt.

Could the Hulk have defeated Surtur?

The Hulk could not have defeated Surtur, any more than Thor could have. Surtur was not the weak and nearly depowered being you see at the beginning of Ragnarok but the fully empowered being towering over Asgard that you see at the end. Complete in his power, he was capable of destroying worlds. (And the Hulk…)

Can Thor Kill the Hulk?

Thor cannot kill the Hulk, after a while Thor will get owned by the Hulk, have you seen the movie Hulk VS Thor written by Marvel, after a while Thor’s hammer literally got knocked of his hand by Hulk due to his immense strength.

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Is it possible for the Hulk to be killed for real?

Killed “for real”, i don’t think it ever happened, unless to serve some plot with a further twist (old trick) or in “what if” situation, like with Wolverine once. The only Hulk that really died and had his magazine down was Hulk 2099, but that’s from another Marvel Universe.