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Can layers and broilers live together?

Can layers and broilers live together?

Broiler chickens and laying hens should not live together in terms of risk factors of sharing the same diet. If the hens eat the meat chicken’s food, they will gain weight from the fatty food designed for the chicken.

How much space do you need for 1000 broiler chickens?

Broiler Management

Age Floor space/ bird Feeder space/ bird
Up to 18 days 450 cm2 (0.5 sq.ft.) 3 cm
From 19 days to 42 days 1000 cm2 (1.1 sq.ft.) 6-7 cm

Can I give broiler feed to layers?

LAYING HENS Once your chickens start laying eggs (around 20 weeks of age) they should be switched to a layer feed. Layer feeds are formulated for chickens laying table eggs (those used for human consumption). Broiler feeds are formulated for those chickens producing hatching eggs (breeders).

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How much space does 100 broilers need?

Floor space for 1 broiler at 2.3 is 0.97 sq ft (0.09 sq m). Therefore, for 100 broilers is 0.97 X 100 = 97 sq ft. It’s as simple as ABC.

Do layers lay eggs everyday?

Typically, one egg. Hens need 12-14 hours of daylight each day to produce eggs. So, a hen will lay 1 egg every day or every other day, as long as she gets 12-14 hours of light each day.

Can you raise broilers and layers together?

There is a big problem with raising broilers and layers together; it’s would be very difficult for the layers to get enough to eat because the broilers will camp themselves in front of the feeder. These birds will sit down when eating if possible. A broilers job is to get big fast.

How to release broilers from the coop?

A practical suggestion would be to release the layers while keeping the broilers confined. Feed the layers outside rather than with the broilers and do not release the broilers until the last layer is done eating. Remove the food you put out for the layers (as nutrient requirements will be different) and release the broilers.

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What to do when broilers are done eating?

Feed the layers outside rather than with the broilers and do not release the broilers until the last layer is done eating. Remove the food you put out for the layers (as nutrient requirements will be different) and release the broilers.

How much space do you need for a poultry house?

The size of the poultry house is an important aspect of its layout and design. First, the farmer needs to take into account the number of birds he/she intends to rear. Typically, 1 square feet of floor space is required to raise a broiler.