
Can lightsabers deflect disruptors?

Can lightsabers deflect disruptors?

Due to the massive energy requirements, the disruptor needed a few seconds of cool-down time between shots before firing again. Additionally, it had the advantage of dealing sonic damage, which a Jedi would not be able to deflect with his lightsaber.

Can a lightsaber penetrate anything?

Lightsabers are among the most powerful weapons in the galaxy and have been known to penetrate nearly every known substance. Despite all their power, materials exist that are resistant to the power of lightsabers. If you ever find yourself in a duel against a lightsaber, use these substances to defeat your enemy!

Can Jedis stop bullets?

Yes they can. A lightsaber can block or cut through just all known materials and Jedi can block bullets, even fired at machine gun level speed without much difficulty at all.

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Can lightsabers deflect bullets?

Bullets are not pure plasma and to not generate the same type of energy. So, in a literal sense, lightsabers cannot deflect normal bullets. However, lead has a relatively low specific temperature, melting and vaporizing at a low temperature compared to many other metals.

How hot does it take a lightsaber to melt a bullet?

It all depends on exactly how hot the lightsaber is. I’ve been doing some research for a possible bullet-melting energy shield, and have come to the conclusion that it takes about 5500 degrees Fahrenheit to completely vaporize a bullet (about the heat of a regular cutting torch.)

How does a lightsaber kill a Jedi?

The plasma in the lightsaber blade is at a high enough temperature that the bullet melts and turns to liquid lead, but not so hot that the lead vaporizes. The Jedi (or Sith) proceeds to get liquid metal thrown in their face, accompanied by third-degree burns.

How does Obi-Wan Kenobi deflect bullets?

In the canon comic “Anakin and Obi-Wan,” Obi-Wan attempts to deflect bullets from a slugthrower with his lightsaber. We very clearly see some of the bullets melt, and the molten fragments burn holes in his clothing. This is consistent with the general behavior of lightsabers when coming into contact with metal objects, which is to melt them.