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Can men visit Wellesley College?

Can men visit Wellesley College?

No. Wellesley is deeply committed to our mission to educate women and the College is proud of its history of graduating women who demonstrate the value of women’s leadership. Wellesley does not accept applications from men. Those assigned female at birth who identify as men are not eligible for admission.

What are the students like at Wellesley?

Most students are friendly and they make really good friends with you, but some are overly competitive. In some classes, each student becomes friends with each other because the class atmosphere is so collaborative and friendly. Most students care about politics and social events and they are often very active.

Is Wellesley a party school?

Partying is pretty big at Wellesley. There is usually an on-campus party every weekend but most girls like to go to parties at MIT frats or Harvard Finals Clubs. Not everyone goes out, some girls don’t like partying and you can choose how often you want to party or how often you want to stay in.

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Is Wellesley elitist?

This is an elite college, ranked in the top ten liberal arts colleges nationwide. Wellesley is also a member of the “Three College Collaboration,” allowing students to take classes and engage in projects with the Olin School of Engineering and Babson College. Fifty percent of students study abroad.

Can Nonbinary people apply to Wellesley?

The College also accepts applications from those who were assigned female at birth, identify as non-binary, and who feel they belong in our community of women. Members of the Wellesley College community are also invited to learn more about the work of the President’s Advisory Committee on Gender and Wellesley.

Does Wellesley require interview?

Interviewing for Wellesley Interviews are not technically required as part of the regular Wellesley College admission application for most first-year or transfer students, but they are strongly recommended for all applicants who have the opportunity.

How hard is it to get into Wellesley College?

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The acceptance rate at Wellesley is 19.5\%. For every 100 applicants, only 20 are admitted. This means the school is extremely selective. Meeting their GPA requirements and SAT/ACT requirements is very important to getting past their first round of filters and proving your academic preparation.

What does Wellesley look for?

Wellesley College admissions is looking for hardworking and dedicated students as well as transparent individuals who want to be a part of Wellesley College’s campus culture. Know your strengths and weaknesses, be open and honest, and you’ll nail the combination that makes for Wellesley College’s ideal student.
