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Can Mrs Norris see Harry?

Can Mrs Norris see Harry?

Harry once got caught by her one day for tracking mud on the floor. Harry had a suspicion that she was able to see him even when he was under his Invisibility Cloak, although she may have just sensed someone there but cannot see, as cats are known to possess highly advanced senses that humans do not have.

Do we ever find out who gave Harry the invisibility cloak?

Later, Dumbledore revealed that it had been he who had gifted the cloak to Harry. “Use it well.” It was inherited by the grand daughter of Ignotus Peverell, (who was known as the third brother of the first human owner of the Invisibility cloak)Iolanthe Peverell who married Hardwin Potter.

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Did James Potter have any siblings?

No. His father, Fleamont Potter, did have a brother, but James himself had neither a sibling or a cousin, as his uncle, Charlus Potter, did not have any children.

What type of cat is Crookshanks?

Crookshanks’s type of cat’s face is known as a “pansy face”. Based on these markings, Crookshanks would have the characteristics of a hansa Himalayan, or ginger Himalayan cat. He could also be a Persian, but due to his face shape the former is more probable.

Are Ginny and Harry related?

Harry is Rose’s uncle because of his marriage to Ginny who is Ron’s sister. In addition to that, they are very distant relatives through the Weasley and then the Black bloodline.

Why did Voldemort die in Harry Potter?

Voldemort dies because all 7 horcruxes are destroyed. Harry becomes one of them, when Voldemort attempts to kill Harry on the night Lily and James Potter die. When Harry gets the scar he also got powers. A little piece of Voldemort lived inside of him.

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Could Voldemort have taken the prophecy without being detected?

Any thinking along the lines of Voldemort trying to remain concealed from the Ministry as they denied his return is folly. Obviously Voldemort could easily sneak into the ministry undetected and take the prophecy any time he wanted to. He is able to take it.

Where did Voldemort’s Last Stand take place?

— Harry and Lord Voldemort face off in the Great Hall [src] Voldemort’s Last Stand, also known as Voldemort’s End, was the conflict that marked the end of the Battle of Hogwarts and by extension the Second Wizarding War. It took place at dawn on 2 May, 1998 in the Great Hall of Hogwarts Castle. Platinum Collection Build Your Own Bundle.

How did Voldemort lure Harry to the Department of mysteries?

Voldemort filled Harry’s mind with visions of Sirius dying in the Department of Mysteries, to lure Harry there. This was because the prophecies were enchanted so that only the people referred to could lift them from the shelves.