
Can prefects take House points?

Can prefects take House points?

Prefects were allowed to take House points away from houses, but they were not allowed to take points from other prefects. Prefects could give detentions as a form of punishment. Prefects had other responsibilities as student leaders.

Why didn’t Percy Weasley marry Penelope Clearwater?

He was unafraid of asking Penelope for the ten galleons she later owed him, while she would be the only who cared to listen to him while he ranted at a later date. For unknown reasons, Percy and Penelope did not stay together, and Percy ended up marrying Audrey Weasley.

What did Percy Weasley do in Chamber of Secrets?

Percy’s role in Chamber of Secrets is mostly minor, but there is a small mystery around him. Ginny caught them kissing and Percy swore her to secrecy. When Ginny tries to tell Harry and Ron about the Riddle diary, Percy interrupts her because he thinks she’s telling them about his girlfriend.

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Can prefects dock points in Harry Potter?

However, this idea is diminished in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix when it is stated that prefects are in fact not allowed to do so. In later editions, however, it seems that, with the exception of the Inquisitorial Squad, prefects can dock points only from their own house.

How many prefects can you have in Harry Potter?

↑ The PS2 version of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban has at least 21 male prefects of unknown houses all attending Hogwarts at the same time. However, according to the books, there can only be 12 male prefects at once (3 of each house).

How many points do you get for infractions in Harry Potter?

They are normally deducted at either 5 or 10 points for small infractions, and multiples of these numbers for greater ones, though in the earliest Harry Potter video game, certain individuals, such as a particular Hufflepuff prefect, deducted them in unusual amounts, such as 6.

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Can teachers deduct points in Harry Potter?

From the Harry Potter Wiki: Teachers, as well as librarians have the power to award or deduct points from students. Prefects, the Head Boy, and the Head Girl can deduct points as well, but not from other Prefects. During the 1995–1996 school year however, members of the newly-formed Inquisitorial Squad were permitted to do so.