
Can the universe exist without human imagination?

Can the universe exist without human imagination?

For a fact it can exist without human imagination. The universe is 13.8 billion years old, and humans have existed for less than half a million years. Beyond that the question has no rational meaning.

What is the definition of universe?

The Universe is often defined as “the totality of existence”, or everything that exists, everything that has existed, and everything that will exist. In fact, some philosophers and scientists support the inclusion of ideas and abstract concepts – such as mathematics and logic – in the definition of the Universe.

How much of the universe is made up of ordinary matter?

Ordinary (“ baryonic “) matter is therefore only 4.9\% [2015] of the physical universe. Stars, planets, and visible gas clouds only form about 6\% of ordinary matter, or about 0.3\% of the entire universe.

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What are the laws of universe?

The Universe also includes the physical laws that influence energy and matter, such as conservation laws , classical mechanics, and relativity. The Universe is often defined as “the totality of existence”, or everything that exists, everything that has existed, and everything that will exist.

Is the universe the creation of the human brain?

No, the universe is the creation of an advanced computer program that we have chosen, as eternal human beings, to play the game of life for its experience; we would get bored without the opportunity to have this experience. Both the universe and our mortal life are dreams within the advanced human brain.

Can We contribute to the creation of physical reality?

Our observations, he suggests, might actually contribute to the creation of physical reality. To Wheeler we are not simply bystanders on a cosmic stage; we are shapers and creators living in a participatory universe.

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Do we know the universe at the most fundamental levels?

Wheeler believes the quest for an answer to that question inevitably entails wrestling with the implications of one of the strangest aspects of modern physics: According to the rules of quantum mechanics, our observations influence the universe at the most fundamental levels.