
Can we take a sharpener to IELTS exam?

Can we take a sharpener to IELTS exam?

You need to bring your own writing equipment. It is recommended to use a pencil for all the tests, so that you can erase anything you want to change. Make sure you have pencils, a pencil sharpener and an eraser. Bags and electronic devices, such as mobiles or tablets, are not allowed in the examination room.

Can I wear shorts in IELTS exam?

Wear Trousers/Pants. They will help you to achieve that formal look. And slacks are quite comfortable as well. The best option is to wear (or buy) black slacks since they will go with almost everything. You can also choose another color, like dark blue or brown.

Who can get 9 in IELTS?

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The IELTS test is globally accepted as an evidence of English proficiency by over 9000 organizations in more than 135 countries for education, immigration, and professional purposes….IELTS Band 9 Score –

IELTS Band Score Skill Level
9 Expert
8 Very good
7 Good
6 Competent

Is 7.5 IELTS score hard?

A score of IELTS 7.0 or 7.5 is evidence that your English is good enough to join any university across the globe, even elite Ivy League institutions. Total: ~ 3 hours.

Is scoring 6.5 in IELTS difficult?

Scoring 5.5 or 6 may seem possible from 4.5 or 5 with a little more practice and preparation; however, reaching 6.5 is a little difficult but not impossible….Important Resourcees to Read for IELTS:

IELTS Band Score IELTS Exam Syllabus IELTS Exam Dates 2021
IELTS Exam Format IELTS Reading tips and tricks IELTS Exam Types

Is 7 band in IELTS writing easy?

IELTS Band 7 Writing. Getting an IELTS band 7 in writing is very difficult for many students, and most do not know what the examiner is looking for. If you want to know specifically where you are going wrong, then you will need to discuss your work with an experienced IELTS instructor.

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Do I need an eraser for the IELTS test?

In the the listening and reading IELTS Tests you have to use a pencil anyway, and yes you want an eraser too so you can rub out any answers you decide to change. In the IELTS Writing test you can use a pen or pencil. There is nothing wrong with using a pen and crossing out words / sentences, though it can look messy if you do it too much.

Can you use a pencil in the IELTS listening test?

In IELTS listening and reading, you MUST use a pencil for filling in the answer sheet. This means you should also take an eraser into the test with you so you can erase mistakes. In the IELTS writing test, you can choose if you want to use either a pencil or a pen.

What is the best to use in IELTS to write answers?

The pencil is the best to use in IELTS to write answers. Mainly, in IELTS Listening and Reading, you must use the pencil to fill the answer this is because, if you want to correct the answer then you can take the help of eraser and correct your answer. Same as in IELTS Writing section. You can use both pen and pencil.

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What is the difference between IELTS listening and writing test?

In IELTS listening and reading, you MUST use a pencil for filling in the answer sheet. This means you should also take an eraser into the test with you so you can erase mistakes. In the IELTS writing test, you can choose if you want to use either a pencil or a pen. All the best !