Can WebMD be trusted?

Can WebMD be trusted?

All in all, is WebMD trustworthy? It depends on which page you land on and what you’re looking for. The site may be an okay starting point for information, like Wikipedia. But the information isn’t always reliable, and unlike Wikipedia, the site’s business model relies on the same industry it reports on.

How truthful is WebMD?

A 2019 study focused just on WebMD’s accuracy in regard to eye diagnoses. That study found the correct diagnosis was in the top three results just 38\% of the time.

Is WebMD a good source for papers?

It’s more reliable. In a medium often accused of providing outdated and inaccurate information, WebMD stands out as a credible, authoritative source of health information. Our news and feature stories are based on our editors’ selections of the most important and relevant health events occurring on a given day.

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What happened to WebMD?

Rumors that WebMD was shopping around for a buyer are finally confirmed. WebMD Health Corp., operators of the popular WebMD website, is being acquired by Internet Brands, a portfolio company of KKR, for about $2.8 billion.

Can you edit WebMD?

WebMD is committed to making corrections or clarifications to original content when it deems necessary. We take prompt action to edit even minor errors like spelling, grammar, or stylistic changes.

Who controls WebMD?

Internet Brands

Type of site Subsidiary
Key people Robert N. Brisco (CEO)
Services Healthcare Information
Employees 1,800 (2017)
Parent Internet Brands

WHO publishes WebMD?

WebMD is owned by El Segundo, California-based Internet Brands. It was acquired by Internet Brands-parent company KKR for $2.8 billion in 2017. The company said it has been investing in expanding its provider capabilities since.

Who finances WebMD?

WebMD is financed by advertising, third-party contributions, and sponsors.