
Can werewolves be friendly?

Can werewolves be friendly?

Werewolves are almost always depicted as savage, bloodthirsty monsters that relentlessly stalk their prey during nights of the full moon and have little in the way of morality. Some werewolves are friendly and easy to get along with.

How do you deal with werewolves?

How to Cope as a Werewolf

  1. Tell everyone you’re allergic to animals.
  2. Carry dog treats in your pocket.
  3. Keep a calendar.
  4. Keep a diary.
  5. Turn one room into a cage.
  6. Leave a chunk of meat in the room.
  7. Buy some doggy activities.
  8. Shave regularly.

How can you tell if your friend is a werewolf?

Experts say a long ring finger is a sure sign a person is a werewolf. ! Does he own large pets that often disappear and then are replaced by other large pets? Werewolves have enormous appetites and like to sink their fangs into large, fleshy animals.

Can werewolves speak?

Assuming the rest of the vocal apparatus is human-shaped and has comparable features, yes, they would be able to talk. Vocal resonation would be quite off, and the pitch would likely be higher – rather than growl, your average werewolf would tend to yip (but that may vary as it depends on several other factors).

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How do you calm down a werewolf?

Move. Dance. Go boxing or join KravMaga – it’s carthartic… Exercise and act out your tension in a healthy way (watch your limits though, so that your inner werewolf doesn’t turn against you… or your ankle, your ACL, shoulder, or lower back… etc awareness is key)

How do you make people believe you are a werewolf?

Practice putting on several different stares to perfect the impersonation.

  1. One for your enemies. Make it deep and aggressive.
  2. The other one for your prey. Charge around your prey while observing every slight movement they make.
  3. Last one, for interesting people and friends. Try to make it friendly and playful.