Tips and tricks

Can you be as smart as Albert Einstein?

Can you be as smart as Albert Einstein?

Not everyone can be as smart as Einstein, especially since it was discovered upon dissection that he had an extra fold in his brain. You can, however, think and sound like a genius simply by reading and repeating the brilliant sayings he shared over the years.

What is the highest IQ of a 10 year old?

10-Year-Old Girl Has A Higher IQ Than Einstein and Hawking A 10-year-old genius is getting ready to take the world by storm. With an IQ of 162, Adhara Pérez Sánchez is a young Mexican girl and her score is actually two points higher than Albert Einstein’s and Stephen Hawking’s.

Who’s smarter Stephen Hawking’s or Albert Einstein?

Both Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein had an IQ of 160. But, Hawking achieved more in the same amount of time as Einstein had.

How many people have a higher IQ than Albert Einstein?

All of those caveats aside, here are 35 people with IQs (either based on testing or an estimate) higher than Einstein’s. And if you want to put your own mind to the test, here are some brain games, brain teasers, and a Mensa IQ test to get you started.

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How important is IQ to a person’s success?

Once a person has met a certain requirement of IQ, other factors become more important in determining their success and overall impact on the world. That is why Einstein had an IQ of 160 and was the most brilliant mind ever, while Christopher Langan has an IQ of 195, and has experienced no such success, rather failure after failure.

Who has the highest IQ in the world right now?

Evangelos Katsioulis: IQ 198 With a score of 198, Evangelos Katsioulis, MD, MSc, MA, PhD, has the highest tested IQ in the world, according to the World Genius Directory. The Greek psychiatrist also has degrees in philosophy and medical research technology.

What is the average IQ of a genius?

While there is no “standard” intelligence quotient (IQ) test, the scoring tends to be similar across the various versions, with 100 being considered an “average” IQ and anything 140 or above considered genius territory.