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Can you become fluent in a language in college?

Can you become fluent in a language in college?

Yes, if you do it right. In order to become fluent in a language, you need to use that language continuously. As for colleges, it depends on the country. In some countries, colleges are very school-like and students don’t have much abilities to learn things freely in practice.

Is it harder to learn Spanish or French?

Spanish is arguably somewhat easier for the first year or so of learning, in large part because beginners may struggle less with pronunciation than their French-studying colleagues. However, beginners in Spanish have to deal with dropped subject pronouns and four words for “you,” while French only has two.

Should you learn a second language while in college?

Not only is learning a second language going to make you well-rounded, it can also help to open doors when you are looking for employment. If you are considering learning a foreign language while you are in college, here are a few tips that will help.

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Is it too late to learn a new language in college?

It is never too late to learn a new language, and while in college, it is the perfect time to do so. Thanks to the Internet and a variety of language-learning websites, you don’t even have to take any special classes in college or spend extra money to learn a new language.

Do more than necessary to pass a foreign language class?

Do More than Necessary – If you are taking an actual foreign language class in college, go well above and beyond what is expected of you. Obviously, there are going to be minimum requirements to pass the course. Take your studies to the next level. Don’t just make the minimum requirements, or take the lowest course level just to make it easier.

Why is it important to learn more than one language?

Knowing more than one language is nearly vital in today’s world. Companies are all global, and the demand for multilingual applicants is high. But not all languages are created equal; some will get you further than others. Learn from us — which are the most important languages to learn in 2021?