
Can you get an unconditional offer from Cambridge?

Can you get an unconditional offer from Cambridge?

An offer may be unconditional, or conditional and dependent on achieving certain grades in the qualifications you’re taking (the University makes unconditional offers only to those who have already met the conditions for entry to their chosen course).

Did Cambridge give less offers this year?

Oxford and Cambridge both admitted more pupils last year According to its website, Cambridge had 3,866 acceptances of undergraduate offers in 2020, up from 3,528 in 2019. Overall, Oxford has reported making just over 3,500 offers this year, down from almost 3,900 last year, a drop of around 9 per cent.

Is it bad to turn down a job offer?

You’re just as entitled to turn down an offer as an employer is to turn you down, and reasonable employers understand that. However, it’s possible to mishandle the turning down of an offer, and that could definitely hurt your chances with that company in the future.

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Should you ever turn down a potential client?

There are many reasons you might decide to turn down a potential client. Perhaps you’ve worked with them before and found the relationship difficult. Maybe the work itself doesn’t match your company objectives or strengths. It could be that the client’s company doesn’t align with your values or that your schedule is simply too full.

Is it possible to mishandle a job offer?

However, it’s possible to mishandle the turning down of an offer, and that could definitely hurt your chances with that company in the future. Here are some examples of how you could mishandle an offer and hurt your chances of being seriously considered in the future:

Should you ever accept a counter offer?

If you’re perfectly clear about your reasons for leaving, especially the positive reasons, you should be able to resist counteroffers, authentic or otherwise, that are ultimately not in your best interests. Perhaps the best advice about a counteroffer is don’t let it come to that.

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