
Can you have two plurals in a row?

Can you have two plurals in a row?

Or you could have the two plurals in different noun phrases, and just put them next to each other in the sentence. “When I saw the trees, dogs were running beneath them.” There you go: two plurals in a row.

How do you pluralize a word that ends in s?

Names are pluralized like regular words. Add -es for names ending in “s” or “z” and add -s for everything else. When indicating the possessive, if there is more than one owner add an apostrophe to the plural; if there is one owner, add ‘s to the singular (The Smiths’ car vs. Smith’s car).

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How do you use plural nouns in a sentence?

Plural Noun Examples

  1. The boys were throwing baseballs back and forth between bases.
  2. Our horses are much happier wearing lightweight English saddles.
  3. Those cats never seem to tire of chasing one another in and out of those boxes.
  4. You stole my ideas and didn’t give me any credit.

Can noun adjunct plural?

There are morphologic restrictions on the classes of adjunct that can be plural and nonpossessive; irregular plurals are solecistic as nonpossessive adjuncts (for example, “men clothing” or “women magazine” sound improper to fluent speakers).

Is Double plural correct?

A double plural is the plural form of a noun with an additional plural ending (usually -s) attached; for example, candelabras (singular, candelabrum; plural, candelabra) or sixpences (singular, penny; plural, pence).

Which of these nouns is plural?

A singular noun ending in s, x, z, ch, sh makes the plural by adding-es….Examples.

Singular Plural
boat boats
house houses
cat cats
river rivers

Which noun is plural?

A plural noun indicates that there is more than one of that noun (while a singular noun indicates that there is just one of the noun). Most plural forms are created by simply adding an -s or –es to the end of the singular word. For example, there’s one dog (singular), but three dogs (plural).

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Can there be two nouns in a sentence?

1. When the subject of a sentence is composed of two or more nouns or pronouns connected by and, use a plural verb. She and her friends are at the fair. When two or more singular nouns or pronouns are connected by or or nor, use a singular verb.

Can nouns modify other nouns?

Nouns that modify other nouns are called adjectival nouns or noun modifiers. For our purposes, they are called attributive nouns. Both nouns are singular.

When do you use a plural verb in a sentence?

If the subject is plural, the verb must also be plural. Example: They write every day. Sometimes, however, it seems a bit more complicated than this. When the subject of the sentence is composed of two or more nouns or pronouns connected by and, use a plural verb.

What is the difference between singular and plural nouns?

The difference between singular and plural nouns is easy to spot. When a noun indicates one only, it is a singular noun. When a noun indicates more than one, it is plural. The following sentences contain singular nouns examples. The boy had a baseball in his hand. My horse prefers to wear an English saddle.

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Is it possible to have a sentence with only nouns?

On that definition, yes, you can have a sentence with only nouns. Someone has already given the example, “Fire!”. Other definitions say that a “sentence” must have a finite verb, and call any “complete structure found in written texts bounded by sentence punctuation” that doesn’t have a finite verb a “fragment”.

How do you know if a compound subject is singular or plural?

When the words in a compound subject are joined by “and,” it is plural. When they are joined by “or” or “nor,” the verb should agree with the part closest to it. When phrases like “as well as” are attached to a singular subject, it stays singular.