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Can your parent make you go to college?

Can your parent make you go to college?

How Do You Tell Parents I Don’t Want To Go To College? As a young adult, please give careful thought to your goals, ambitions and any fears about college. Here are some ways by which you can talk to your parents about delaying college: Ask your parents if they have some time to talk to you about your college plans.

Can my parents force me to go to a college?

in the U.S. or Canada, a parent cannot legally compel an adult offspring to enroll in and attend college.

How likely are you to go to college if your parents went to college?

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A recent study shows that at 30 “top colleges” under review, students had a 45\% better chance of getting in if they had a parent alum.

What percent of kids get a college degree?

Bachelor’s degree seekers graduate at a rate of 60\%; among all college students, the national graduation rate is 46\%; . 41\% of bachelor’s degree earners graduate within 4 years. 4 million or 18\% of all college students graduate each year. 2 million or 49\% of all college graduates earn bachelor’s degrees.

What do your parents really want you to do?

When your mum told you to study accounting/business/marketing/whatever at college, I’m sure she meant well. When your dad told you to take that entry level position at the local law firm/IT company/engineering contractor, I’m sure he was telling you what he thought you needed to hear. They wanted you to be happy. They wanted you to be fulfilled.

Should you follow your parents’ life plan?

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If you follow your parent’s life plan, no one will ever love you because there will be nothing to love. No one will ever admire you because there’s nothing admirable about you. No one will ever be inspired by you because there’s nothing inspirational about you.

Is it OK to disagree with your parents?

You’re your own person now and you have your own well-formulated opinions that may not align with your parents’. It’s OK to see things differently based on your own experiences. You’re old enough to disagree with your parents, but you’re still young enough to take their advice on things.

Why do my parents want me to visit them?

Your parents are still people with real wants and needs and desires. They have passion, even if they haven’t been able to fulfill it, which is why they are most passionate about the family they do have. They need your love as well — why else are they begging you to come visit so often and calling you every day just to check in?