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Could the Central Powers have won if Italy joined?

Could the Central Powers have won if Italy joined?

Assuming Italy had joined in 1914, the Central Powers probably would have won. The French were badly strained in 1914. Even having to divert 3–5 divisions to the south would have likely led to a rupture of French lines along the Marne.

What if Japan joined the Central Powers in WW1?

Until the US intervention, Japan would probably have been able to overrun many British and French possessions in the area. If Japan had sided with the Central Powers, Germany would have been able to keep its few Asian and Pacific colonies a little longer until its defeat.

Why did Italy enter WW1?

Italy entered into the First World War in 1915 with the aim of completing national unity: for this reason, the Italian intervention in the First World War is also considered the Fourth Italian War of Independence, in a historiographical perspective that identifies in the latter the conclusion of the unification of …

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When did Italy join WW1?

May 23, 1915
On May 23, 1915, Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary, entering World War I on the side of the Allies—Britain, France and Russia.

When did Italy join the allies in ww1?

Why did Italy not join the Central Powers in WW1?

Italy was not obligated to join the Central Powers, because the Triple Alliance it had with Austria-Hungary and Germany was purely a defensive pact. Because Austria-Hungary and Germany were the ones to send the Declarations of War, Italy had an excuse to stay out of it.

Who would have won the First World War?

In all likelihood, the Central Powers would have won the war. Before we can get into the war proper, we need to figure out how the Italians would have joined the war. In our timeline, the Entente offered Italy all the land they claimed from Austria which included Tryol, Trieste, Istria, Dalmatia, among others.

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How did the war end with Italy in the Alps?

With Italy now in, the French were facing the dreaded TWO FRONT WAR. The French would have to divert troops from the German front to the Italian front. The Austrians and Germans would no longer have to divert troops to fight the Italians and would be able to move troops through Lombardy. Eventually, the war ends with the Central Powers victorious.

Could the Central Powers have won the war in 1916–7?

So the Central Powers might have won the war in 1916–7. The U.S. had more German-Americans than British Isles-Americans, and only a generation or two emigrated while British emigrants were mostly more generations removed (and Scots and Irish not particularly in love with English governments after their own reasons to flee there.)