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Could the South have won the American Civil War?

Could the South have won the American Civil War?

The South could have won simply by not being conquered. It did not have to occupy a foot of ground outside its borders. The South’s best hope for success was outlasting Lincoln, and deep schisms among Northerners throughout the war kept that hope alive.

What would have happened if the South had won?

First, the outcome of the victory of the South could have been another Union, ruled by the Southern States. The United-States of America would have another capital in Richmond. Their industrious prosperity would have been stopped and slavery would have remained in all the United-States for a long time.

How would the South have won the war?

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The South could win the war either by gaining military victory of its own or simply by continuing to exist. For as long as one Confederate flag flew defiantly somewhere, the South was winning. As long as the word “Confederate” had genuine meaning, the South was winning.

How long would slavery have lasted in the South?

If so, how much longer would it have lasted? A southern victory in the Civil War would have extended slavery indefinitely. The political, legal, social and cultural framework of the South would have made it impossible to eliminate slavery in the 19th century.

How could the civil war had been prevented?

The only compromise that could have headed off war by then was for the Southern states to forgo secession and agree to abolition. Once the Confederate states seceded and troops fired on Fort Sumter, the only solution possible was complete Southern surrender.

What would have happened if the civil war never happened?

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Slavery would be restricted to the South and border states, while western states would be free states, so politically slave states would be losing power. With mechanization, slavery is being driven from the market place. The rights of slaves legislation would further curtail the profitability of slaves.