
Do employers look at the classes you took in college?

Do employers look at the classes you took in college?

In general, employers will not ask to see which courses you took, other than to verify that you did get the degree from the university you said. This is weed out fakes who claim a degree, etc. but don’t have the credentials.

Do employers look at specific classes?

You can expect an employer to review grades and use them in making hiring decisions if the employer requests a college transcript. The employer will look first for your performance in courses deemed most relevant to the position for which you are applying.

Do employers care about minor degrees?

Some employers care about minor degrees and others don’t. It all depends on the job requirements and the opinion of the individual hiring manager. As for myself, I do take notice when a job candidate has a minor that’s related to the position I need to fill.

How to verify a degree before a job?

There are companies like Global Verification Network and other third party agencies that offer degree verification services. They can find out if applicants exaggerate or lie on their educational qualifications. During a job interview, employers know exactly what questions to ask to check whether or not you have the skills they are looking for.

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Do employers really care about grades?

I talked to career services directors at four schools— New York University, Brandeis, Rochester Institute of Technology and Purdue—and they all agree: Employers do care about grades. Students shouldn’t think that just because they’ve mounted the admissions hurdle, they can slack off in class.

Do college grades matter when recruiting students?

“Grades certainly do matter when we’re recruiting students,” he says. “It’s really one of the only indications we have of a student’s technical ability or competence to do the job.” The career services directors I spoke to all say that employers want to see a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and many put the floor at 3.5.