Do Indian passport holder need transit visa for Switzerland?

Do Indian passport holder need transit visa for Switzerland?

Indian passport holders are not obliged to hold an Airport Transit Visa. Hence, transit through Switzerland and stay at the airport international transit area is permitted without any visa.

Do I need a transit visa to travel through Switzerland?

If you are not obliged to hold an airport transit visa, you are allowed to transit through Switzerland and stay in the airport international transit area without any visa.

Which countries require transit visa for Indian citizens?

The nationals of the following countries need an airport transit visa when passing through the international transit area of any Schengen country airport:

  • Afghanistan.
  • Bangladesh.
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • Eritrea.
  • Ethiopia.
  • Ghana.
  • Iran.
  • Iraq.
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Can you transit through Switzerland?

It is not possible to enter Switzerland from a third country that is considered high-risk in order to travel on to another country outside the Schengen area, unless transiting through Zurich or Geneva airport. Travelers should check whether they require a transit visa.

Can I go to Switzerland with Schengen visa?

Holder of a Uniform Schengen Visa can travel to these countries: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and …

Do Indian passport holders need transit visa for Frankfurt?

Yes. Indians need a transit visa in Germany.

Which country does not require transit visa from India?

The passenger is confined to the the transit zone during the stipulated time. Of the 26 Schengen countries, Indians don’t need an airport transit visa to transit through the airports in Netherlands, France and Switzerland. But the catch is, you cannot transit between two airports in Schengen countries.

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Do I need a Covid test to transit through Switzerland?

On boarding, everyone aged 16 and over intending to enter Switzerland by air or bus must be able to show the negative result of a PCR test (performed no more than 72 hours prior to boarding). If you cannot show such a test you will not be allowed to board the aircraft or vehicle.

Do Indian passport holders need a transit visa for Switzerland?

Indian passport holders are not obliged to hold an Airport Transit Visa. Hence, transit through Switzerland and stay at the airport international transit area is permitted without any visa. Please note that Switzerland Tourism has no authority related to granting or declining a visa.

What is a transit visa for Swiss airport?

Swiss Airport Transit Visa. A Switzerland airport transit visa, also known as an A-visa, allows the carrier to transit through a Swiss airport in order to catch a connecting flight to a non-Schengen country. It falls under the short stay visa category of Switzerland. If you have an airport transit visa for Switzerland,

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Do I need a visa to travel to Switzerland?

If you intend to travel with the passport issued from a country who is exempt from the Swiss Schengen visa, then you do not need to apply for one. If you are travelling with a passport from a country who does require a Switzerland visa, then you need to apply for one.

Do you need a transit visa to enter the Schengen Area?

The Schengen states have a list of countries whose nationals require a transit visa to enter the Schengen area. However, it is a relatively narrow list and most countries can transit through Switzerland and other Schengen states freely. Though, they are still not allowed to leave the airport.