Tips and tricks

Do INTJ make good artists?

Do INTJ make good artists?

Even though our naturally analytical and perceptive nature makes us wonderful scientists, researchers, and technicians, I believe that INTJs can also be equally skilled writers and artists.

What makes INTJs different?

INTJs can be seen as strange because they don’t follow what others expect, and instead follow what is factual and real. This can sometimes make the INTJ a bit blunt, which can certainly make them appear awkward or weird to some people.

What type do INTJs like?

INTJs are strongly compatible with Extroverted-Intuition types like ENFP and ENTP. The worst types for an INTJ tend to be those with Sensing-Judging, like ISFJ, ESFJ, ISTJ, ESTJ, whose pragmatic, grounded nature can feel uninspiring for the INTJ.

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Are INTJ people creative?

As one of the rarest of the 16 Myers-Briggs types, the INTJ personality provides a fascinating glimpse into the beauties and pitfalls of the creative, yet analytical mind. This way they are free to use their knowledge to pursue creative solutions to complex problems. …

Can INTJs draw?

An INTJ can be anything, choose any profession, including artistry and creativity and still be true to themselves. The stereotypes make artists sound like the sensitive type and one would automatically assume that a logical person or INTJ would never take interest in the arts.

Are INTJs writers?

Having a thirst for knowledge, INTJs love to have their noses in books. Often called bookworms, they are proud of how much they learn, understand and know. This very feature of enjoying reading and educating themselves makes INTJs great writers.

Why do intjs enjoy art?

Simply being an INTJ does not guarantee someone will “enjoy art”, but there definitely does seem to be a pattern that correlates specific MBTI types to increased tendencies to find more enjoyment while experiencing art. If we were to ask “why?”, one of the main factors has to do with their innate preference for “Intuition.”

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What are the best jobs for INTJ personality types?

One of the characteristics of the INTJ personality type is supposedly an affinity for all things rational and scientific. In every Myers-Briggs career profile I’ve read, the top jobs for INTJs are highly technical, like physics or engineering.

Are there intjs in the Humanities?

As it turns out, there are just as many INTJs in the humanities as there are in the sciences. In the arts, for example, Jane Austen, Dan Aykroyd, Chevy Chase, Katie Couric, Richard Gere, Emily Bronte, Angela Lansbury, and C. S. Lewis.

Are there any famous people who are intjs?

Several famous philosophers are also typed as INTJ, including Karl Marx, G. W. F. Hegel, Jean-Paul Sartre, and my personal favorite, Friedrich Nietzsche. So why do INTJs get typecast in the sciences and not so much in the arts?