Do older female cats accept male kittens?

Do older female cats accept male kittens?

Don’t worry too much about the gender of the cats involved. Age and temperament are the most important factors. Adult cats will usually accept a new kitten much more easily than they will accept a new adult cat. Cats are territorial, and your cat may resent an adult feline intruder.

Can female and male cats live together?

A male and a female may not get along better than a pair of the same sex. Sex simply isn’t an accurate predictor of how well a pair of cats will get along. Instead, whether the cats are similar in temperament is more important. Cats that act the same are more likely to get along.

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Do male cats do better with male or female kittens?

How to introduce a new kitten to a new cat?

When you first adopt a kitten and bring him home, Dr. Bales recommends taking him straight to his own room and shutting the door. Let the kitten and resident cat sniff each other through the door, but not actually meet face to face.

What should I do with my new kitten when I move?

Even if you already have a cat, make sure the new kitten will have its own bed, food and water dishes, and a couple of toys. Set up a bathroom or other small room with these items for your kitten to stay in for the first few nights in its new home.

Should I let my older cat have unsupervised access to Kitten?

Do not let your older cat have unsupervised access to the kitten. At night, when you are not home, and whenever you are unable to supervise the kitten and your older cat, keep the kitten in its designated room with the door closed.

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How do you take care of an older cat and a kitten?

The litter box, food bowls, bed, and some toys should all be easily accessible. Do not let your older cat have unsupervised access to the kitten. At night, when you are not home, and whenever you are unable to supervise the kitten and your older cat, keep the kitten in its designated room with the door closed.