
Do pilots sleep with the crew?

Do pilots sleep with the crew?

There are four flight crew on board our Boeing 777 aircraft, and at least two pilots on the flight deck at all times. For pilots who are resting, they can get some sleep in two beds above the Business Class cabin, or relax and enjoy our in-flight entertainment system.

Is it hard to have a relationship as a flight attendant?

Long says that flight attendants often find dating to be particularly tricky. “It could be difficult I think trying to explain your job, your schedule, and what going out means,” she explains. “It’s really not going to the nightclub. It’s going out to dinner, maybe getting a cocktail, and then to bed.”

What happens if you flirt with a flight attendant?

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Ignoring safety demonstrations, flirting with flight attendants or even touching them is not okay. There are rules to follow on a plane and one of them is to treat the cabin crew with respect.

Why become a cabin pilot?

Becoming a Pilot ,after taking experience as a Cabin crew, will make you understand both sides of the Cabin! You will be able to deliver better Crew resource management too! So do not hesitate in tasting the best of the industry by becoming a part of the Cabin crew community!

Can a cabin crew become a pilot in India?

Certainly yes if they are qualified enough. For becoming a pilot you need to be 10+2 in India with Maths and Physics during +2. If a working Cabin Crew has this qualification then can complete CPL and type rating training on a specific aircraft, to become first officer then after suitable number of flying hours can become Commander of the flight.

How long is the average layover for long haul flights?

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All depends on previous duties as well, but usually for every hour worked Long Haul the layover is 4x longer on average. ie 12 hour flight, layover is 48 hours. Return back 12 hours, then if theres a shorter flight then less downtime, longer flight coming up more downtime.