
Do they weigh you at airports?

Do they weigh you at airports?

“What they do is, every so often the airlines are required to sample size the people getting on the airplane and figure out how much they weigh and figure out what they’re carrying on,” he said. New guidance from the FAA may require some passengers to reveal their body weight!

Can a plane be overweight?

Without getting into the minutiae of aviation there is a variety of reason the plane could be overweight from needing extra fuel to environmental concerns. There are many flights around the world the that are capped for passengers and cargo to avoid being overweight.

Why do airlines charge more for heavy bags?

Airlines are under financial pressure to offset the cost of rising fuel prices and many now charge excess baggage fees for checking one or more piece of luggage. Some are are even charging for carry-ons.

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Is there a weight limit flying?

There is no set weight limit for passengers on commercial flights in the U.S., but some airlines, most notably Southwest, require customers who cannot fit in one seat to book a second.

Should overweight passengers be charged additional fees on flights?

Yes ,unless there is an exception, overweight passengers should be charged additional fees. If they are charging us for the extra luggage we carry, then they should also charge obese people for their extra weight. Being obese is not always a disease; some people are just too lazy to loose weight.

Are there any airline obesity policies around the world?

Airline Obesity Policies Outside the U.S. There are too many airlines around the world to enumerate every single policy, but below is a sampling. In Canada, obesity is considered equivalent to other disabilities when it comes to extra seats on a plane under the country’s One Person One Fare program.

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Should overweight passengers be placed in ‘fat zones’ on planes?

A recent study in Britain conducted by found that 80\% of Britons think that overweight passengers should be placed in a separate seating area aka “fat zones” with larger seats. 91\% of these people also believed that their overweight counterparts should be forking out more money for their air tickets.

What happens if you are overweight on a Delta Flight?

If the airline can’t accommodate you on your scheduled flight, the airline will let you purchase two seats on a later flight for the same price as your original seats. Delta recommends but does not require that obese passengers book an additional seat.