
Do you feel bad when people ignore your birthday wishes?

Do you feel bad when people ignore your birthday wishes?

Second of all, sometimes it’s enough to get wishes from your real close friends and family; however, it’s kinda annoying to see people who you spend/spent quite a time with ignore your birthday! But again I guess you shouldn’t feel bad just because of them. Rep:?

What do you do when your friends don’t remember your birthday?

I say you give them all a chance to make it right. Talk to them one-on-one and say, “Hey, it was my birthday the other day, and I was kind of sad because NOT ONE of my friends remembered! I’m sure each one will say, “OMG! I’m SO sorry! And happy birthday! How can I make it up to you?” That’s what it means to be a true friend.

What should I say to my Friend on her birthday?

First things first: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I wish it was your ACTUAL birthday, and I was there with all your BFFs so I could be like, “Pssst!!! Girlfriends!! Let’s surprise Avalon with a SUPER special birthday lunch!!” (But since we’d be in school, that would mean us standing around you with jazz hands while you eat mystery meat!)

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Do you wish each other happy birthday every year?

Not everyone thinks Birthdays are a big thing. Yes we normally wish each other happy birthday every year. 3 of them have already had their birthdays this year and I said happy birthday to them.

Is it okay to wish someone a happy birthday without knowing?

Yes absolutely, them wishing me a happy Birthday is completing irrelevant to me wishing them a birthday. The possibility of someone not wishing you a happy Birthday out of malace is highly unlikely. Most people are not planners and most likely don’t realize or just forgot.

What do you do when someone doesn’t acknowledge your birthday?

If they bring up the fact that you didn’t do it, part ways. I get that some people just don’t do birthdays. Give a pass to these people. It’s the people who announce THEIR birthday and not acknowledge YOUR birthday who are the bad people you should part ways with.

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Do your friends say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you on your Facebook?

They say happy birthday to other people as well so it’s not like they’re just not into it. I could see they were active on facebook and snapchat where it displays my birthday and mutual friends were posting on my wall so they would have seen it on their feed.