
Do you have to root for your hometown team?

Do you have to root for your hometown team?

You must always root for your hometown team, unless there’s some compelling reason not to; and 2. you never, ever abandon a team under any circumstances. (You address both in rules No. 18 and 19.)

Why are people fans of sports teams?

Fans tend to have more access to social support, help and resources as well. “Individuals feel that the fan interest (in this case a sport team) is a part of them,” Reysen says. “So when the team is winning, you feel like you are winning even though you are not a player.” Of course, teams sometimes lose.

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What is more popular baseball or basketball?

Is basketball more popular than baseball? – Quora. In a Gallup poll earlier this year, 37\% of respondents stated that football was their favorite sport to watch, followed by basketball (11\%), baseball (9\%), and soccer (7\%). This marks the first time in over a decade that basketball has eclipsed baseball in popularity.

What are real sports fans?

Being a true sports fan means sticking to one team, through thick and thin, in times of victory and in times of heartbreak. Suddenly, you latch on to one championship team, and then another, and before you know it, you’re supposedly a fan of half the franchises in the league.

Whats better baseball or basketball?

Basketball is hands down, by far a more athletic sport. My second argument is that if you took an athlete with no basketball, or baseballs skills, and placed him in both a basketball game and a baseball game that athlete would have a better performance in the basketball game because athleticism is part of the game.

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Do non-hometown fans care more about other sports than we do?

There is no single nation of fans who root for a team outside of their home tean that thinks other sports fans care more about that team than we really do than the non-hometown fans of the Los Angeles Lakers.

Are you rooting for your team because your team wins?

The truth is, you’re rooting for your team because your team wins and if you’re rooting for a team because that team wins, then that makes you a front-runner, no matter how long you’ve been a fan. The Detroit Pistons had a great team in the 80’s and early 90’s.

Why is there something special about losing with your hometown team?

There’s something special about losing with your hometown team. There’s something special about the memories those losses create. When your hometown team loses, that loss is sewn into the fabric of your fanhood and in that way, they are as valuable as your greatest victories.

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Why is baseball not as popular as football?

While baseball remains popular and includes a large following with highly dedicated fans, it pales in comparison to football. Many argue the pace is too slow and boring, and that it lacks enough action. Scoring is also sparse when compared to football. The attention span of Americans is very short these days.