
Does a photon have protons and electrons?

Does a photon have protons and electrons?

“Photons” are what physicists call “light” or electromagnetic radiation, when it displays it’s particle-like behavior. Photons are very special particles. Elementary particles like electrons, protons, neutrons or composite quasi-particles like atoms, molecules, ball-bearings, planets, stars, etc.

Does a photon contain electrons?

A photon is a “particle” because it represents a transfer of a quantised value of electromagnetic energy from one charged particle (usually electrons) to another.

Is a photon a neutron?

is that photon is (particle) the quantum of light and other electromagnetic energy, regarded as a discrete particle having zero rest mass, no electric charge, and an indefinitely long lifetime it is a gauge boson while neutron is (particle) a subatomic particle forming part of the nucleus of an atom and having no …

Do photons have protons?

The names are very similar — photon versus proton — but there is a world of difference. Photons, or X-Rays, are pure energy and have no mass (although Einstein would disagree as energy does have mass). Protons have energy and are relatively massive and heavy. Think of photons as “fluffy” and protons as “portly.”

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What does a photon carry?

All photons travel at the speed of light. Considered among the subatomic particles, photons are bosons, having no electric charge or rest mass and one unit of spin; they are field particles that are thought to be the carriers of the electromagnetic field.

Are photons protons?

Are photons a particle?

Is a proton and photon the same thing?

A proton is a positively charged nuclear particle having mass equal to that of an atom of hydrogen and one unit positive charge. Photon is the smallest particle of light having energy equal to hv.

Are photons quantum particles?

The photon (Greek: φῶς, phōs, light) is a type of elementary particle. It is the quantum of the electromagnetic field including electromagnetic radiation such as light and radio waves, and the force carrier for the electromagnetic force. Lewis popularized the term photon for these energy units.