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Does CA industrial training count as work experience?

Does CA industrial training count as work experience?

Having industrial training exposure on your resume does make a big difference during ICAI campus placements. Also if you are in need of money during articleship then industrial training pays a better stipend. It will count as ‘actual work experience’ since most companies do not consider articles as work experience.

What is the stipend in KPMG?

Stipend paid by different firms varies from Rs. 2000 per month to even Rs. 15000 per month in the first year of training which increases by 20\%-40\% every year….Stipend in Big 4s.

First Year Rs. 15,000
Second Year Rs. 20,000
Third year Rs. 25,000

Which company gives the highest stipend to a CA Industrial Trainee?

ITC gives the highest stipend to an CA Industrial Trainee if you could get into it. It is also considered the best company to do Industrial Training for a CA candidate. However it is not so easy to get into ITC as lot of knowledge and good articleship experience is required to get into it.

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What is the average salary of an industrial trainee in India?

Industrial trainees get anywhere between INR 15,000 to 50,000. Average being 25k. Will list a few numbers I’m aware of – Bombay only. JP Morgan – 25k for back office, 40k for the rest.

Is it beneficial to go for industrial training in CA firms?

In my opinion, YES it is beneficial to go for industrial training especially in big fat companies like GS etc. Benefit 1: You get to experience that corporate culture which majority of article assistants don’t experience in a typical CA firm. Benefit 2: You explore new different areas of work other than regular return filing, audits etc.

When should you give stipends for training?

Indeed.com states that stipends are usually given when the job focuses on training that primarily benefits the recipient rather than the employer.