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Does logic include subjectivity?

Does logic include subjectivity?

Subjective world only has subjective information. Therefor there are two kinds of logic, one is objective logic, and another is subjective logic. Objective logic also can be called absolute truth, and subjective logic can be called relativity truth, because of subjective logic always exists error with objective logic.

What is subjective and objective in logic?

In his Science of Logic Georg Hegel makes a distinction between subjective logic, which involves concepts, judgements and deduction (as usual for logic), and objective logic which is concerned with something like the logos, a kind of ontology or metaphysics, not unlike the ontological deductions of Spinoza’s system.

Is logic objective and universal?

A logical statement about something will include all the variables and the circumference of reference. LOGIC is the science of correct thinking, correct reasoning. Logic, when properly understood and applied, is, and should be universal.

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Can an argument be subjective?

SUBJECTIVE arguments are most often those dealing with the personal situation, feelings or experiences of a particular individual, family or group, and are usually arguments from ethos or pathos (though material subjective factors may involve arguments from logos as well).

Why logic is required by all sciences?

Scientists use logic because it shows the relationships between the parts of an idea and the whole idea. The scientific method is a rational, logical thought process that is used to figure out facts and truths. All of the answers must be able to be proved.

What are the two main types of logic?

Logos and Logic. Logos: There are two types of logical argument, inductive and deductive. In an inductive argument, the reader holds up a specific example, and then claims that what is true for it is also true for a general category.

Are laws logical?

The common law method of case law development, as well as the general prescript often referred to as “the Rule of Law” — that like cases be decided alike — are grounded logically in inductive reasoning. Law, to be sure, involves more than logic.

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Is critical thinking subjective or objective?

That is to say, the goal of critical thinking is to filter out the biases in our representations of the world and get our subjective representations of the world more accurately aligned with the ways things are objectively. Sometimes the obstacles to objectively true beliefs are not very significant.