Does Protinex gain weight?

Does Protinex gain weight?

Protinex contains largely of protein along with fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals which helps to bridge the nutritional gap of the body. The product is not specifically designed for increasing the weight like body mass supplements but it helps in optimal growth by providing right nutrition.

Which is better for weight gain?

The single most important nutrient for gaining healthy weight is protein. Muscle is made of protein and without it most of those extra calories may end up as body fat. Studies show that during periods of overfeeding, a high-protein diet causes many of the extra calories to be turned into muscle ( 12 ).

Can you rely on Protinex for weight gain?

You can not rely on Protinex for weight gain. Also protinex contains simple carbs or sugar which is not really necessary in your healthy drink. Protinex for weight gain again fails in this manner. How did the myth of protinex for weight gain come about?

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Is Protinex good for body builders?

Hence, if taken at the right time, in the right way and quantity, Protinex can be a great help to Body Builders who are slim and are trying to gain weight. If experts are to be believed, then one has to consume 1.5 g protein per 1 Kg body weight.

Can you trust Protinex powder?

Thus, one can trust it to be safe. Protinex powder can also serve the purpose of a weight gainer. You can easily add Protinex to your daily diet. The schedule is not robust in form but don’t forget to add a little exercise to it. In order to gain weight, you need to store enough calories and consuming more proteins.

How much protein is there in Protinex?

Protinex has 12 gram of protein from milk/soy/peanuts per serving of 30-35 gram. 15 gram of protein per 100 gram for the complete. And 20 gram protein per 100 gram for the diabetes care variant. Like protinex for weight gain if you have dream of using ensure for weight gain, then wake up.