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Does speaking things into existence actually work?

Does speaking things into existence actually work?

Speaking things into existence, of course, is not really magic (even though it totally feels like it), it’s just another way to work with the law of attraction. Similar to journaling, creative visualization, or any other technique for focusing things into being.

Why do we need to think before we speak?

Thinking before you speak is a really good habit to develop, to avoid causing trouble in your life, whether in your relationships, career or elsewhere. And if it’s unavoidable to say something negative, thinking before we speak helps us be more tactful and understand how to offset negativity with something positive.

Is manifestation in the Bible?

There is a lot of talk right now about manifestation and the law of attraction. There are many instances in the Bible that mentions manifesting but not in the new-age way it is used today.

Can we think and talk at the same time?

That’s simply not true. Most people you know spend all day thinking and speaking at the same time. Most of us speak apparently without thinking precisely because we’re thinking and speaking at the same time.

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Can you write and think at the same time?

Great writers are great thinkers. As two-time Pulitzer Prize winner David McCullough said, “Writing is thinking. To write well is to think clearly. That’s why it’s so hard.” It’s through writing that we exercise our ability to think; they’re not mutually exclusive tasks.

Who can speak things into existence?

God is the only one who can speak things into existence. It is not something we, as human beings, have the power to do. When God brought the plagues upon Egypt, the pagan magicians were able to mimic the results of the first two miracles.

Do we have power in our words?

Romans 4:17 states that only God speaks things into existence. We do have power in our words ie. bear witness in a court room, encourage others but not the power stated in this post. Oprah believes in the Law of attraction which is you get what you believe. You have taken that false teaching and wrapped it in Christianese.

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Do your words alone have the power to call things that exist?

Though your words are powerful and can have tremendous impact in people’s lives, your words alone do not have the power to call things that do not exist into being. That right and power is only reserved for God alone.

Is it God’s right to speak things into existence?

Speaking things into existence is solely within God’s power and exclusively His right.
