
Does Thor have both Mjolnir and Stormbreaker?

Does Thor have both Mjolnir and Stormbreaker?

Marvel’s Thor wields both the hammer Mjonlir and the axe Stormbreaker in the Marvel Cinematic Universe – but which weapon is the strongest? No, he just jumped a lot. In all honesty Thor hammer made from star matter so size of weapon doesn’t matter.

Could Thor have beat Hela with Stormbreaker?

Stormbreaker can summon the bifrost and Hela is stronger in Asgard. Thor can teleport her and himself and open her chest killing her, or cut off her limbs ir head. Plus, Stormbreaker is stronger than Mjolnir.

What if Thor had stormbreaker in Avengers?

With Stormbreaker, Thor would decimate Hela’s forces and he would walk away with both of his eyes. Ragnarok would not occur, and the Asgardians would remain on their planet. Loki and Korg would still return to Asgard, and Thanos would come to the planet for the Tesseract.

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Can Thor defeat Thanos in Infinity War?

Thor’s majority portion of the Infinity War script is tasked with establishing the possibility of a victory over Thanos. The Mad Titan may have the Infinity Gauntlet, but the Mighty Thor has Stormbreaker. One magical MacGuffin can take down another magical MacGuffin.

Can Thor fly with Mjolnir?

Both Mjolnir and Stormbreaker gives Thor the ability to fly. While Mjolnir requires the user to spin it at high-speed. Stormbreaker does the work effortlessly. This one was clearly shown in Infinity War, where Thor just has to point the axe in the direction he wants to fly. 5. Resurrection

What happened to Thor’s mother in Infinity War?

Avengers: Infinity War sets Thor in place to deliver the single most magnificent crowd-pleasing scene of the whole film. Twelve minutes into the movie, the Asgardian is left with nothing. His brother is dead. His father is dead. His mother is dead.

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Is Stormbreaker more powerful than Mjolnir?

According to the screenwriters, Stormbreaker could cut through the power of the Gauntlet but not through the glove, explaining that Eitri may have used magic in writing the rules when creating his weapons. So, with that in mind, does this magic make it more powerful than Mjolnir? Not necessarily.