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How are Targaryens related to dragons?

How are Targaryens related to dragons?

Viserys and Daenerys are the last known descendants of a noble Valyrian family called the Targaryens. Like many noble Valyrian families, they had very strong ties to dragons. They bred them, trained them, and rode them to war. In fact, the Targaryen coat of arms is a red three headed dragon on a field of black.

What were the Targaryens known for?

House Targaryen carries the trait for insanity in its bloodline. Over three hundred years of heavy inbreeding, marrying brother to sister whenever possible to “keep the bloodline pure,” resulted in many of the medical problems seen with incest, particularly mental instability.

Are Targaryens the only ones that can touch dragons?

The Targaryens and other Valyrian dynasties could control the dragons but after the Valyrian doom happened all of them went extinct, only Targaryens survived. They are capable of controlling the dragons because the Valyrians have practiced magic a lot in the past.

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Is Targaryen blood black?

House Targaryen of Dragonstone is a noble family of Valyrian descent who once ruled the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. The Targaryen sigil is a three-headed dragon breathing flames, red on black. The house words are “Fire and Blood”.

What’s the saying about the Targaryen bloodline?

What’s the saying? ‘Every time a Targaryen is born the gods flip a coin.'” House Targaryen carries the trait for insanity in its bloodline.

What are some of Daenerys Targaryen’s bad traits?

Had violent visual and auditory hallucinations, as well as a near-permanent feeling of persecution, which drove him to execute anyone who slighted him out of fear that they were conspiring against him. Tried to blow up King’s Landing with wildfire, believing he would rise from the ashes as a dragon.

Is Joffrey Baratheon a Targaryen?

Although not a Targaryen himself, Joffrey Baratheon ‘s incestuous bloodline is speculated to have produced similarly severe defects in his sanity. Joffrey is the child of twin lovers, Jaime and Cersei Lannister, and did not have a drop of Baratheon blood in his veins.

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What happened to the Targaryen Madness?

The “Targaryen Madness” wasn’t always initially present, and sometimes grew worse with age. Aerys II himself, while remembered as “the Mad King”, was perfectly sane as a young adult. As the years passed, however, he had lapses into unstable behavior that gradually grew worse and worse, and longer in duration.